Fly 苍蝇 - Pest | System Pest Control Services


FLY 苍蝇

Blow Fly
Fruit Fly
Drain Fly
Flesh Fly
House Fly
Horse Fly
Crane Fly
Adult Size
1/8 inch long
1.5 – 5mm in length
6-9 mm
Up to 3cm
Metallic blue, green, or black in colour and are noisy in flight
Red eyes. The front part of the body is tan and the rear part is black
Short hairy bodies and wings, "furry" moth-like appearance
 Gray bodies with three black stripes on the thorax. The abdomen has a light and dark gray checkerboard pattern and red tip

Non-metallic, light to dark grey, dorsal surface of the thorax has 4 broad black longitudinal stripes, antennae hardly seen
Clear/solidly colored wings and brightly colored eyes
Look similar to oversized mosquito, a slender body and stilt-like legs that are deciduous, easily coming off the body
Adult blow flies feed on a variety of materials, but the larvae of most species are scavengers that live on carrion or dung. The adults lay their eggs on the carcasses of dead organisms, and the larvae (maggots) feed on the decaying flesh. The larvae of some species (e.g., Calliphora, Cochliomyia) also sometimes infest open wounds of living animals.
 Nuisance to people. The reproductive potential of fruit flies is enormous; when the surrounding is conducive, they are able to lay about 500 eggs
Rest on surfaces with their wings held over their back forming a roof-like structure
Female flesh flies give live birth after the eggs hatched inside of her abdomen, depositing maggots on a suitable breeding site.
Mouthpart fully adapted for sucking fluid and semifluid food. When not in used – the mouthpart is partially drawn into head capsule. Feed on: almost all food for human, rotting vegetable, carcasses, excreta and vomit - almost all organic food
Robust fly, prefer to fly in sunlight, avoiding dark and shady areas, and are inactive at night.
Crane flies do not bite or sting but can become a major pest to turf, pasture grass, golf courses, and field crops. This is because of their voracious larvae, which can leave grass yellow and thinning – and whole patches entirely bare.
Hatched larvae may cause damage to plant roots in large concentrations and attract more pests and may try to dig up the ground in order to feed on them.

Blow flies like to inhabit on dumping area and decomposing organic matters.
Fruit flies are especially attracted to ripened fruits and vegetables in the kitchen. But they also will breed in drains, garbage disposals, empty bottles and cans, trash containers, mops and cleaning rags
Floor trap, plumbing drains and sewage systems
Relatively uncommon in houses or restaurants. They usually breed in excrement, decaying organic matter and animal flesh or meat
Normally sheltered indoors, avoiding direct sunlight
The larvae of horse fly develop in the mud along pond edges or stream banks, wetlands, or seepage areas. Some are aquatic and a few develop in relatively dry soil. Females lay batches of 25 to 1,000 eggs on water plant or wet sites

Larval habitats include all kinds of freshwater, semiaquatic environments
Life cycle
Complete life cycle takes about 2-3 weeks.
Complete life cycle from egg -> adult in a week
Complete life cycle takes about 10-15 days
Complete life cycle takes about 10-14 days
Complete life cycle takes about 7-10 days
They take about 1 year to complete the cycle
Eggs hatched into hungry larvae in 2 weeks time

Having flies problems at your place? Get rid of flies with our effective pest control treatments & solutions. Contact System Pest Control Services for professional pest control services.

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