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Aedes Mosquito
Culex Mosquito
Anopheles Mosquito
Adult Size
4-7mm in length
Distinct black and white stripes on abdomen and legs, a lyre marking on its thorax
Pale and light brown or yellowish in colour
Light brown mosquitoes, with pale and dark scales on their legs, proboscises and wings
Bite during the day (at dawn and dusk), prefer dark colours (black and red)
Bites at night, rest indoor and after a blood meal, prefer dark colours
Nocturnal: mate, feed and oviposit at night, rest indoor or outdoor depending on species
Flight distance
50-100 meter
Long-distance fliers
Vary among species
Breed in ground pool, tree holes and man-made containers, inside and outside houses, prefer clear water
Breed in ditches, water pool, blocked and stagnant drains, septic tanks and rice field, prefer polluted water
Prefer clean and unpolluted water, breed in temporary or permanent water bodies such as fresh or brackish water
Life cycle
6-8 days
10-12 days
16-18 days
Stage of Life Cycle
Egg -> Larvae -> Pupae -> Adult
Egg -> Larvae -> Pupae -> Adult
Egg -> Larvae -> Pupae -> Adult
Resting position
Parallel to the surface
Parallel to the surface
At an angle of about 45 degrees to the surface
Approaches for Mosquito Control
Larvaciding is an effective mosquito control technique when the mosquitoes are in their larval or pupal form. It is used to target and control the development of mosquito larvae.
Mosquito Fogging
Mosquito fogging in Singapore is carried out only when there is a mosquito nuisance problem or a disease outbreak. Mosquito fogging is a technique that involves using a pesticide which is directed by a blower on the target areas in the form of smoke. Fogging covers a large area killing adult mosquitoes and all other insects.
Compared to fogging, mosquito misting is a more natural, kid-friendly and pet-friendly mosquito control method.
Read more about Mosquito Control:
The Ultimate Guide to Mosquito Control in Singapore
The Ultimate Expert Guide to Eliminate Mosquitoes from your Home
What is Mosquito Control and How to Prevent Mosquitoes
What are the common species of mosquitoes in Singapore?
In Singapore, the most common species of mosquitoes are the Aedes Mosquito, Culex Mosquito and Anopheles Mosquito. Mosquitoes do not discriminate in their choice of breeding locations. They simply need a tiny puddle of stagnant water around your home to start breeding and multiplying.
What is mosquito fogging?
Mosquito fogging otherwise known as mosquito fumigation. is a mosquito control technique that involves using a pesticide, which is directed by a blower on the target areas in the form of smoke. Mosquito fogging in Singapore covers a large area in killing adult mosquitoes and all other insects. Request for Mosquito Fumigation in Singapore by contacting System Pest Control Services.
Does Fumigation for mosquitoes work?
Mosquito fumigation in Singapore works by spraying a little amount of insecticide into the air in mosquito-infested locations. Mosquito fumigation is effective in getting rid of active mosquitoes, but it is not a long-term solution for mosquito infestations.
How high can mosquitoes fly?
Mosquitoes use to fly at the bite zone which is average human height. During the heat of the day, mosquitoes stay low to the ground, the cooler the better. As the day gets cooler, they will fly higher. In general, mosquitoes that bite humans prefer to fly at heights of less than 25 ft. In Singapore, they have been found in apartments 21 stories above ground.
Is lemongrass or citronella a mosquito repellent remedy?
Lemongrass and citronella are often mistaken to be the same plant due to their similar appearance. In fact, they are actually two different plants. Both plants are used extensively as a natural mosquito repellent because they contain citronella compound that helps to mask the carbon dioxide and lactic acid that mosquitoes rely on to target hosts. Research has shown that citronella helps to reduce mosquito landing around 40%.
How do I report a possible mosquito breeding site in Singapore?
Mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as dengue fever, dengue haemorrhagic fever, malaria, and Japanese encephalitis. To prevent the transmission of these diseases, the mosquito population must be kept at bay. You can check at NEA's website if your location is a dengue cluster area.
If you have feedback on possible mosquito breeding grounds, you can convey the issue to the National Environment Agency (NEA) using the feedback form. You may also submit your feedback via OneService app or NEA's mobile application, myENV.
What can homeowners do to reduce the risks from mosquitoes?
The most effective way to control the mosquito population is to prevent breeding. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Remove or reduce mosquito breeding sites by replacing all standing water at least once a week. This includes flowerpots, ground puddles, discarded containers, water storage pails, choked drains, roof gutters, ponds and swimming pools. Eliminate unnecessary plants or trash from around any standing water sources that cannot be altered, dumped or removed. Introduce mosquito-eating fish such as gambusia, green sunfish, bluegills and minnows to standing water.
In a nutshell, you can do the Mozzie Wipeout ‘B-L-O-C-K’ steps to remove stagnant water in premises and surroundings:
Break up hardened soil
Lift and empty flowerpot plates
Overturn pails and wipe their rims
Change water in vases
Keep roof gutters clear and place BTI insecticide inside
Screen windows, doors, and other openings with fine mesh, sealing around all screen edges and keeping doors and windows shut to prevent entry. Avoid outdoor activities when and where mosquitoes are most active: during dusk or dawn. When you are outdoor, use mosquito repellent that contains the active ingredient, DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide), in concentrations up to about 35% on exposed skin whenever and wherever mosquitoes are likely to bite. Repellents containing DEET, picaridin or IR3535 as the active ingredient are the most effective in repelling mosquitoes. Protect yourself by wearing long-sleeved shirts and long-legged pants, preferably treated with a repellent as well.
In summary, you can carry out these three protective actions against mosquito or dengue: ‘Spray, Apply, Wear’ (or ‘SAW’ in short):
Spray insecticide in dark corners around the house
Apply insect repellent regularly
Wear long-sleeve tops and long pants
Having mosquito problems at your place? Get rid of mosquitoes with our effective pest control treatments & solutions. Contact System Pest Control Services for mosquito control services.
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