Seasonal Termite Control Tips: Navigating the High-Risk Periods


Seasonal Termite Control Tips: Navigating the High-Risk Periods

Seasonal Termite Control Tips: Navigating the High-Risk Periods
Seasonal Termite Control Tips: Navigating the High-Risk Periods
Jan 22, 2024

Termites pose a serious threat to homes, with subterranean and dry wood termites being the two main varieties. Identifying them and taking preventive measures is crucial to prevent damage to your home. Both species consume cellulose in wood, causing significant harm to houses and other wooden structures. 

Therefore, homeowners should seek professional pest control services. This blog provides valuable advice on keeping these destructive pests away from your home.

Spring Season

As the weather warms up, mature termite colonies produce swarmers, or flying reproductives, to find new nest sites. The warmer weather during this season promotes termite activity, making it an ideal time to detect and prevent termite issues. 

Termites pose a significant pest threat, especially in the warmer months. Therefore, it is important to implement preventive measures and conduct regular inspections during this season to safeguard structures from infestations.

  • Termite Detection

When you come across swarmers, recognize that swarms are short-lived—usually lasting 30 minutes or less. This indicates that the swarmers are a warning sign of an ongoing infestation, as they likely originated on or near your property.

  • Termite Prevention

Swarmers actively seek suitable locations to establish colonies, focusing on plants, wood, and moisture. To deter them, it's essential to move wood sources, especially moist wood, away from your foundation. 

Inspect and ensure that rainwater is properly directed away from your foundation by examining your downspouts and gutters. Repair any leaks in fixtures, hoses, or plumbing, and address any conditions that permit rainwater to infiltrate the ground near your exterior walls.

Summer Season

Remaining vigilant is crucial in the summer when subterranean termites are highly active. Detecting early signs of their activity is essential to prevent termite damage. Stay alert for warning signs throughout the season, allowing you to promptly address any infestation and protect your property from potential structural damage, especially during periods of high humidity.

  • Termite Detection

To access the wood in man-made structures, worker termites construct mud tubes, also known as shelter tubes. Check for these shelter tubes in dark corners. If your house has a block foundation, examine each pier. While workers can create mud tubes at any time of year, summer is a good time to inspect them due to the milder weather.

  • Termite Prevention

During the summer months, it's advisable to inspect your yard for termites beneath mulch and other wooden items. Look for pale insects resembling six-legged maggots or black insects with white wings. They may be found in logs, decaying shrubs, stumps, or similar locations.

Fall Season

If termites haven't found a warm spot of ground under a man-made structure, their activity slows down in the autumn. However, it's crucial to understand that termites are year-round feeders. This means they might still be active in your house during the autumn. It's a good time to inspect the interior for signs of their activity.

  • Termite Detection

Termites that dwell underground avoid light. These pests may feed up to the paint on your walls without actually chewing through it due to their light intolerance. This can result in a honeycomb-like appearance in the paint. If they feed beneath wallpaper, you might observe bubbling, bulging, and other damage resembling water damage. Tapping on a solid piece of wood may produce a hollow sound if termites are feeding inside it.

  • Termite Prevention

Just like in the spring, it's essential to address any leaves, twigs, or sticks in your yard, as well as any areas that may accumulate moisture. Worker termites are known to travel considerable distances, up to the length of a football pitch, in their constant search for food.


To safeguard your home against termite damage year-round, it's crucial to remain vigilant. Effective prevention from termite Singapore involves routine inspections, moisture control, and treatment of entry points. 

Hiring professional termite control in Singapore, like System Pest Control Services, ensures comprehensive termite control for all seasons. Our expert team minimizes the risk of termite infestations and preserves the structural integrity of homes in various weather conditions. For all your termite-related needs, contact our System Pest team!